Olympic NP_20181104_126

Tom Klun Creative

Twin Peaks Night Shots_20160710_16

Tom Klun Creative

I want to try something different

I want to produce images that slow us down

In my opinion, photography is losing its edge in our culture today. Instagram and other mediums have taught us that although this photo may be amazing, there could be an even better one a few scrolls down. So we scroll endlessly, looking for more out of what we see. But, in reality, the photos we scrolled past do have more to offer us.

Think of the last time you were at an art museum or gallery. You didn’t frantically run around the room, going from picture to picture. You found a piece of art you enjoyed and you allowed it to take on deeper meaning.

I challenge you to scroll with purpose on my site – give the photo your full attention and take in all it has to offer.

In addition, I’ve set up a social experiment called the “2-minute photo”. The 2-minute photo is a weekly challenge I issue to my guests. Can you spare 2 minutes of your day to allow something to take on deeper meaning? I’m confident you won’t regret it. When you finish, you can share your comments about what you noticed in the photo that you normally wouldn’t have. And see what other folks saw too!

Countdown until the next 2-minute photo post!

TK Creative Spotlight

Costa Rica

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